Saturday, 15 November 2014

Best Foods To Eat For Healthy And Glowing Skin

Who don’t want a glowing skin! It is the human nature to urge for the beautiful and vibrant skin. Though some cosmetics make you to look shimmer but it washes off with the water, but a natural glow that come to you by the rich nutrients, proteins and healthy vitamins won’t leave you. So, keep an eye on the food you eat to gain naturally glowing skin.

Whole Grains

Fill your lunch each day with a serving or two of whole grains, which contain zinc, a nutrient that may help combat acne.


And don’t forget about your daily water intake. Keep a water bottle handy at work, on-the-go and during exercise to keep your body adequately hydrated.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green Leafy Vegetables are loaded with vitamins, including zinc which are great for maintaining a healthy glow to your skin.


Tomatoes have a large amount of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps skin protect itself from UV rays. Who ate one tomato per day, 12 weeks in a row, had 33 percent more protection against sunburn than those who did not consume tomatoes at all.

Flax Seeds

To hydrate the body, open the pores, dilute the sebum levels and fight acne omega-3 fatty acids helps a lot, these fatty acids are hugely available in the fish oil. If you are vegetarian, the good choice you can opt is flaxseed. To treat your sensitive skin and to improve the natural skin glow consume a table spoon of flaxseed oil before you start your day.


To maintain the good elastic levels in the skin potatoes play a key role with its content of potassium, zinc, copper and vitamin C. It promotes the young and fresh looking skin.

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