Winter camping is just like summer camping. Winter camping is not that simple though, as winter camping needs careful and meticulous planning as extremely cold climate is the main threat here. Winter camping on the other hand may require layers of clothing, proper snow quality, fire, snow caves, quinzhees, and even igloos.
Never Neglect Your Hands
To keep those digits warm, pack polyester glove liners and gloves, then gauntlets to layer over them. Stock up on chemical heating pads for when you need a little heat boost.
Think Fire
When you arrive at your campsite, start your fire before doing any other setup. Plan ahead and always pack fire sources. You can go low-tech with tightly packed dryer lint stuffed into old pill bottles or film canisters, or high-tech with magnesium fire starters.
Choose The Right Campsite
Summer campers might prefer the shadiest and most secluded spot. In winter, however, the morning sun can be a welcome companion. Take note of where the sun will first appear at sunrise, and angle your tent to take advantage of the early rays while shielding the door from the wind.
Carry Head Gears
The prominent aspect of camping in the winters is to carry the right kind of head gear that properly fits you covering your ears and head. Since travelling at high speed during winter gives you cold and headache, it is better to cover your head to prevent the breeze. After all, you don’t want to fall ill during your winter camping.
Keep Warm During Winter Camping
Keep yourself warm and heated during winter camping. Since the temperature drops several degrees during night, build a fireplace to keep yourself and the surroundings warm. Searching for supplies at the camp site to build heat can be difficult considering the fact that snow makes the ground wet, always carry the necessities with you. Using moisture drenched woods from the camp site for fuel is a flop idea.
Never Neglect Your Hands
To keep those digits warm, pack polyester glove liners and gloves, then gauntlets to layer over them. Stock up on chemical heating pads for when you need a little heat boost.
Think Fire
When you arrive at your campsite, start your fire before doing any other setup. Plan ahead and always pack fire sources. You can go low-tech with tightly packed dryer lint stuffed into old pill bottles or film canisters, or high-tech with magnesium fire starters.
Choose The Right Campsite
Summer campers might prefer the shadiest and most secluded spot. In winter, however, the morning sun can be a welcome companion. Take note of where the sun will first appear at sunrise, and angle your tent to take advantage of the early rays while shielding the door from the wind.
Carry Head Gears
The prominent aspect of camping in the winters is to carry the right kind of head gear that properly fits you covering your ears and head. Since travelling at high speed during winter gives you cold and headache, it is better to cover your head to prevent the breeze. After all, you don’t want to fall ill during your winter camping.
Keep Warm During Winter Camping
Keep yourself warm and heated during winter camping. Since the temperature drops several degrees during night, build a fireplace to keep yourself and the surroundings warm. Searching for supplies at the camp site to build heat can be difficult considering the fact that snow makes the ground wet, always carry the necessities with you. Using moisture drenched woods from the camp site for fuel is a flop idea.
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